Quick and Dirty Converter Tool to Create Android Splash Images


An Android splash image is just a 320x480 bitmap in R5G6B5 format. But there is a lack of decent tool that will easily create such a file for you. I wrote one up really quickly to fill that gap. This will perform all the resizing, pixel format conversion, and centering for you. You can also preview the image. Pretty handy.

To flash an image:

  1. Start your phone up in Fastboot mode (you must have the Engineering bootloader). You can do this by holding camera and pressing power. Then connect your phone to your PC. Make sure that it is detected as HTC Dream. If you only see "High Composite Device", you will need to install the Android USB Driver. Then press back until it says "Fastboot".
  2. Convert an image using the tool.
  3. Type the following command: fastboot flash splash1 mysplash.rgb565
  4. Reboot your phone with the command: fastboot reboot

You should now see your new splash screen!

Download for the source code and binaries for the converter.

Fastboot for Windows.

Fastboot for Linux.

Fastboot for Mac OSX.


Unknown said...

Am I correct in thinking that this can be compiled on Mac OS X Leopard and that I wouldn't need to se a Linux VM to apply a custom boot logo on my G1 from my Mac?

Koush said...

You would still need the Mac version of Fastboot. And yes, you could just compile this for Mac using Mono.

Anonymous said...

Is there a way to customize the boot image on an android emulator?
I have no G1/Dev phone in hand.


Anonymous said...

how does one compile this, with mono, is mac os x. i tried mcs Program.cs and the like for all .cs files but i get errors with each one

Anonymous said...

Thanks for de app. I always get a highly compressed image and I don´t know if it´s because of the required format or because your application has some fixed values that could be optimized. Anyway: cool.

maxadamo said...

Thank you very much for your effort, but on linux you don't need any tool.

All I use is these few lines below in a script:

rm $output $img
convert $input -depth 8 $output
ffmpeg -i $output -f rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb565 $img

If you want you can add youself "zenity" to use a graphical frontend. I am too lazy and this is enough for me.


Anonymous said...

Great! Thank you very much! Exactly what i was looking for.