It's been a little quiet on my blog lately... too quiet. It's cause I've been bashing my head against a wall trying to get Mono on Android (well, Debian running side by side with Android really). So far, I've gotten the Mono runtime cross compiled for Android, but attempting to run anything results in the following:
localhost:~/Desktop/junk# mono
Usage is: mono [options] program [program-options]
--aot Compiles the assembly to native code
--debug[=<options>] Enable debugging support, use --help-debug for details
--profile[=profiler] Runs in profiling mode with the specified profiler module
--trace[=EXPR] Enable tracing, use --help-trace for details
--help-devel Shows more options available to developers
--config FILE Loads FILE as the Mono config
--verbose, -v Increases the verbosity level
--help, -h Show usage information
--version, -V Show version information
--runtime=VERSION Use the VERSION runtime, instead of autodetecting
--optimize=OPT Turns on or off a specific optimization
Use --list-opt to get a list of optimizations
--security[=mode] Turns on the unsupported security manager (off by default)
mode is one of cas, core-clr, verifiable or validil
localhost:~/Desktop/junk# mono test.exe
Illegal instruction
Note that mono works fine, but attempting to run a program fails. So yeah, I'm at a loss. I'm guessing there is a bug in the ARM JIT somewhere. Or maybe my make process went horribly wrong due to user error somewhere. I'll try getting Mono from the trunk and building and installing. Apparently there are some more ARM related fixes in there.
I managed to get this far by:
Cross Compile Mono and its dependency chain using Scratchbox (there are a lot, which I'll detail in a later post). I also did some of the compilation on the G1 itself rather than Scratchbox.
You might want to drop by channel #mono on
A few things you can try, you can run Mono in "very verbose" mode, like this:
mono -v -v test.exe
And see where it fails. Also, there are simpler tests to try out when doing a port, use mono --regression and one of the tests in mono/mini.
For details on porting and how to go from the simpler tests to the more complicated ones check mono-2.xx/docs/mini-porting.txt
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