Klaxon - An Accelerometer Enabled Alarm Clock for Android

KlaxonMain KlaxonAlarmEdit KlaxonRingtoneType KlaxonClockTypes KlaxonAlarm

This is the Android version of Klaxon, the popular Windows Mobile Alarm Clock. In addition to the standard features of the default Android Alarm Clock application, Klaxon has the following features:

  • Flip your phone over to snooze it.
  • Wake up to a song stored on your SD card.
  • Customize your snooze time.
  • Additional clock faces.

You can find Klaxon on the Android Market! And for those of you that can't access the market, you can download the Android version of Klaxon here.


Anonymous said...

Found this on wmpoweruser.com today : G-Alarm: Sophisticated Alarm clock for Windows Mobile - http://wmpoweruser.com/?p=1680
isn't it a lame copy of Klaxon for WM ? Does your license allow this ?

Mikey said...

May i make a suggestion for Klaxon-Android version.

When the alarm clock first goes off. is there a way under the snooze feature you can place a turn off feature??? Smaller size compared to the Snooze.
It gets hard while waking up, fumbling for the menu key to turn it off.

Janis said...

Klaxon could just as likely be a copy of G-Alarm. I t appears they were originally released very nearly the same time. The interface of G-Alarm has changed less.

Please be careful at whom you point your accusations. You might just make yourself and the people you are working to defend look more foolish than you intended the other guy to look.

Unknown said...

Who can i stop the alarm?. When it sound, only see "Snooze" and if i push it or flip the HTC , snooze it, but who can i stop it?


Anonymous said...

Link broken!