Android Market Bug?

Several users of the Shell application are reporting that Shell is somehow reinstalling itself after uninstall: this includes people who do not have rooted G1s. I frankly have no idea how this is even possible, other than it being a bug in the Android Market application: Android Market is the only Android application that has permissions to install other applications. Suffice to say, I'm looking into the issue.


Anonymous said...

Considering the amount of stupidity going on in The Android Market, I have to wonder if these users were just seeing the application listed in their downloads even though they uninstalled it and thinking that it reinstalled itself.

You have done some great work developing these apps. I only wish Android did not require root for routine tasks like screen captures! I know it can be done through USB Debugging mode with a PC but it's still a pain.

Hope to see more apps from you in the future, possibly a way around the official RC update!!

Thanks for you hard work!