Another Klaxon Release

As promised, I implemented more bug fixes and features for this release. Download Klaxon here.

  • The light sensor will only turn off your alarm if the phone is face up. This fixes the issue where the alarm gets shut off if the phones if flipped face down to snooze.
  • If the phone is snoozing, a sensor can not be used to turn the alarm off. The off button must be manually pressed. This is a precaution to ensure the phone doesn't get erroneously turned off.
  • The shake off function is implemented differently now: if at any point, the phone is subject to 20 G's of force, it will turn off. Previously, it was using an orientation change count. The G measurement method is much more reliable.
  • As a silent confirmation, the phone will vibrate once if you put it into Snooze mode. It will Vibrate twice if you turned it off.
  • All the sensor actions are configurable: you can now manually configure what you want the alarm to do when you shake it, flip it, or turn on the light.
  • Implemented some of the UI clean up changes. This includes bigger Vista style check boxes and radio buttons.
  • Implemented an About box which gives you information about your Klaxon version and the author.
  • Fixed a bug where the registry entries were not being deleted properly when an alarm was deleted.
  • Fixed a bug where the device would go to sleep after a Snooze and not wake up to alarm the user.
  • Fixed a bug where the Delay setting was not being saved after editing it.


Anonymous said...

Nice works !
if You want French translation :

New = Nouveau
Menu = Menu

Name = Nom
Enabled = Activé
Time = Heure
Days = Jours
Sunday = dimanche
Monday = lundi
Tuesday = mardi
Wednesday = mercredi
Thursday = jeudi
Friday = vendredi
Saturday = samedi
*(no cap for days, week become by Monday - lundi)
snooze = Sommeil
Expire = Jusqu'à
Audio Delay (seconds) = Délai audio (secondes)
select a sond file = sélectionner un fichier son

Edit = Éditer
Delete = Supprimer
Setting = Configuration (Config.)
About = A propos
Exit = Quitter

Anonymous said...

I've found a little bug :
Two alarm: one at 8:45 AM, other at 12:00
my Diamond has freezed for the second.
I thought it was light sensor, I've disactived to see that tomorow ...

Luca Pax said...

Ciao from Italy, great work!If u need translation your welcome.
Ps. please make off and snooze button more bigger or more distant.



Anonymous said...

I've found your website today looking for Diamond SDK, and I have to thank you for all your effort.

I'm a beginner with Windows Mobile programming, and I would like to know how to detect the touch movements at the screen to go up, down, left or right, and also how to emulate them (for example, if i press a button, it goes up for a while).

I would apreciate your help. My email is romo_87 at hotmail dot com.

Thanks for your efforts and continue like that! :)

Luca Pax said...

I tried in every way, but the volume of mp3 of alarm, is very low, I tried with other mp3 and is the same thing.

someone else had the same problem?
please developper help us...

Alexey Gopachenko said...

Wonderful application! I'd say this is best alarm clock ^)

However there's always a room for improvement!

This two are most important:

Usability: please allow to roll time digits individually, at least for minutes!

Do not start sound "preview" automatically - add play/pause button and also stop it as soon as done/cancel pressed.

This is nice to have:

Cosmetics: use 32 bit icons (with opacity), consider using professionally deigned like this free icon

honor regional settings - such as 24 hr time and weekday names

Lucky Pete said...

Hi Koush,
great app!

downloaded your app on aug 9th. One thing I noticed is this:
I have 4 alarms set in total for various occasions. When I try to disable a previously set alarm, using the enable/disable option has no effect, the alarm stil goes of.
I am running a euro spec ROM, 1.93
Saw you listed this as a fixed bug, but it's still buggin' me ;-)

And as mentioned before, some kind of volumecontrol would be nice, or , better yet, the option of increasing volume.

Thanx for your effort!

Anonymous said...

For my 12:00 Alarm : the bug was fixed : disable light sensor match !

I've found another bug but I don't know if it isn't a directorie Pb :
When I choice a mp3 file as alarm sound it match when I try it, and for the automatic feed back, but at the moment of the alarm it sound an original Windows alarm. I've tried to move files.mp3 from Intern skockage to mobile/my doc/my alarm, the bug wasn't fixed.
I'll try moving it in /windows or in windows/Rings to see if it was that.

Anonymous said...

I could not find how to use the alarms in 24hour mode. Is it possible to do this ? If not could it easily be changed ?

Anonymous said...

Works on HTC Touch Diamond (- no need to have the program running in the background). It's hard to use the shake-option, why it usually senses a flip action before shake action. One question though - how do I change the volume setting?? It's bloody loud! :)

Is it possible to add a 24hour clock mode?

A tip: the tapping in upper/lower parts of alarm digits to change them is great BUT slow - possible to apply the same system as on eg the SE M600; tap on the 10-minute digit to change from 10:02 to 10:12 to 10:22...?

Nice app though!

Anonymous said...

Hi, thanks for your effort. I don't put any alarma in AM mode but in PM mode works properly. If I put an alarm in AM, in today's screens appears "not enable"
Do you know because it is?


Anonymous said...


thats a very nice alarm clock.
I came here looking for another application. Which is close to yours, from a implementation aspect. I would like to protect
my htc touch diamond against protection (e.g. when being in the train). I would like to see an extension to your application, or
a new application, where an alarm is started when the handy is moved, so that the theft gets scared off. Is this possible ?
I will keep track of your blog to see if you pick up the idea.


Unknown said...

I totally love the product. This is something that should have come STANDARD with the HTC diamond.

There are a few issues I face, and some inputs for improvements to make this product even better:
- issue: If the phone is set to silent or vibrate, when this alarm goes off, it automatically change it to normal sound mode. this is OK, however, the volume level is somehow changed to 0% automatically.
- issue: If the program set "shake" to turn off the alarm, and the phone is in silent or vibrate mode, when the phone goes off, the phone will vibrate a couple of times and the alarm turns itself off automatically.

- improvement: would be nice to beable to enable/disable an alarm from the main page rather than have to go to menu->edit
- improvement: clicking on the alarm saved on the main page automatically brings us to the edit page, instead of having to go to menu->edit

Thanks again for making a cool product like this.


Anonymous said...

Nice. Thanks for it! My whishes: Please allow European like time display: Add a 24h mode for the clock and let the week start with Monday and end with Sunday.

Anonymous said...

Observed this bug today: Alarm created for Mon-Fri at 6:45 a.m. and enabled the alarm. In the morning, I got awake at 06:42 myself. So, I selected the enabled alarm in Klaxon and disabled it. However, Klaxon was playing the alarm sound at 06:45 anyway.
Question: Was does "delay" mean? What is delayed, actually?

Koush said...

Good find on the alarm not unscheduling itself. I fixed that this morning.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely useless software because you cannot hear the alarm. The MP3/WAV/WMA file is played so low, even if your system volume is on full, that theres no point. I see others have mentioned this problem previously but this has not been addressed. Im using the latest official UK ROM. It seems only people using unofficial cooked ROMs are having this work at full volume. I dont want to resort to invalidating my warrenty just to use this app

Koush said...

I have it set to play the sound at max volume. No one else has reported it as being too quiet, in fact I've heard the complete opposite: people want it to be quieter, or configurable, or slowly get louder. Right now it starts at full blast.
If you can't hear it, it's probably your phone. Good thing you didn't void that warranty.

Anonymous said...

blaming the phone is irresponsible, especially considering others (read your comments) have reported the problem. The phone has no problem playing sounds loud through other apps like the mp3 player, standard windows alarm and the ringtone itself. Its just Klaxon which insists on playing at a low volume.

I installed on the Internal Storage (HTC Diamond) though - would that make a difference?

Koush said...

Oh, I was being facetious.

I have a hard time taking people seriously when I write free software for them and they come bitch up a storm about it not working perfectly expecting customer service like I'm a McDonalds drive through agent.

This is a hobby, something I do in my spare time. So regardless of what you feel, I do not have any degree of responsibility towards maintaining the application, because that's when it goes from being fun to being work. If you (kindly) report the bug or request a feature, I will probably get around to fixing it.

But please keep in mind that I don't have an unlimited supply of HTC Touch Diamonds to test and fix bugs with. If I can't reproduce your bug on my single Diamond, it is highly unlikely that I am going to be able to fix it.

Koush said...

And no, I doubt changing the installation location would make a difference, but you might as well try it.

Admin said...

yes, Nice works !
if You want Spanish translation for your next version many people will thank you...

New = Nuevo
Menu = Menu

Name = Nombre
Enabled = Activado
Time = Hora
Days = Dias
Sunday = Domingo
Monday = Lunes
Tuesday = Martes
Wednesday = Miercoles
Thursday = Jueves
Friday = Viernes
Saturday = Sabado
*(with cap for days, week become by Monday - Lunes)
snooze = Repetir
Expire = Parar
Audio Delay (seconds) = Retardo de aviso (segundos)
select a sond file = Seleccionar fichero de sonido
Edit = Editar
Delete = Eliminar
Setting = Configuracion (Config.)
About = Acerca de
Exit = Salir


Anonymous said...

Great app, I really enjoy it.

I do have a feature request, can you provide an option to vibrate the phone or not?

it seems there are 4 short vibrations before the alarm goes off, and that's what wakes me up, not the alarm itself.